Figuring beingness out isn't ever easy
Sometimes it makes me unwholesome and queazy
As it can be agonizingly disheartening
Most recent examples
While at the aforesaid example illuminating
Life is inundated of paradoxes and principles
Not all are with alacrity digestible
Number of posts
Some turn around your front and give the impression of being detestable
Dealing next to relatives who are reprehensible
Problematic and incomprehensible
Life undoubtedly is a challenge
Just annoying to living your psychical stability
Internally be the owner of your psyche in tranquility
Sustain yourself financially
While discovering and fulfilling your destiny
Balancing your vivacity relationally and professionally
Keeping yourself and all and sundry else happy
That seems same a solid impossibility
Yet conscious near discontents in disharmony
Who whinge and fling a commiseration party
Is a load unbearable
It makes vivacity sometimes deplorable
Perhaps I should flat timber a formulate and go global
Say sayonara to this nonsense
That seems impenetrable and makes no sense
But later here is the ongoing battle
Between the necessitate for intimacy and privacy
Such contradictions are too problematic for me
Perhaps here is a building block spiritually
That inwardly alone will inhabit me
If that is so, than travel quickly God Almighty
And plague me near your wisdom, power, and love
Set my affections and suspicion on property above
For that which I deal near present below
Is oftentimes nada more than than a swollen show
Life is rather the rat race, always on the go
Surely nearby is much to this than meets the eye
To transfer on same this day by day is to ceaselessly cry
Therefore initiate up the skies and transport your glory
To make known to me your ways and piece of writing my vivacity story
Life's complexities are too markedly for me
Come chop-chop and change me
To be the man I ought to be
Or to be gladly homelike near me
Regardless of how others feel about me
Settle my life-force and take home me whole
For the atmospheric condition of duration are attractive their toll
On this schoolboyish man's loved soul.